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Horst Zuse: A Framework of Software Measurement

Publisher: Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, Genthinerstr. 13, 10785 Berlin, Phone: +49-30-26005-0, 1998,

755 pages.

ISBN: 3-11-015587-7.

Introduction as a PDF-File

Table of Contents as a PDF-File

Full Table of Contents


The central goal of this textbook is to provide readers with a framework for software measurement. Software measurement is not a mature science, today. On the one side, there is a lack of a theoretical framework for software measurement, and on the other side, there is a lack of education of scientists, practitioners and students in the area of software measurement.

The book is written with the intention to investigate software measures and to give theoretical and practical guidelines for software measurement.

By the time the reader reached the end of this book, scientists, teachers, practitioners, and students should be able to define the basic terminology of software measurement, to explain the definition of a measure; the definition of a homomorphism, the ideas / secrets behind software measures, the empirical conditions behind software measures, the scale types, the use of qualitative and quantitative methods, the role of software measures during the software life-cycle, the idea behind software cost estimation models, the idea behind the Function-Point method and the COCOMO model, the exact definitions of validation of software measures, the foundations of prediction models, the use of meaningful statistics, and the reader should be able to explain problems in the area of software measurement.

The book also discusses the ISO 9000-3 standard and contains more than 200 measures for applications in the whole software lifecycle (more than 100 object-oriented measures are included).

A glossary of more than 300 terms shall help scientists, practitioners and students to understand the meaning of terms in the software measurement area.

The book contains a CD with a literature database of more than 1600 references and a brief demo-version by videos of the System ZD-MIS (Zuse / Drabe Measure Information System).

Some more statements related to the book:

The book above is the first one which introduces measurement theory in order to characterize the properties of software measures. It shows, how measurement theory and software measurement can be connected. We use the concept of the extensive structure in order to describe empirical ideas behind software complexity or software quality. The concept of the extensive structure is a very useful concept. Additive measures assume the extensive structure. This leads directly to the ratio scale. We use the original extensive structure of Krantz et al., but we also use a modified extensive structure which was created by Bollmann. The axioms of the modified extensive structure are more intuitive than the axioms of the original extensive structure. In the book a proof is given, that both extensive structures are equivalent. We also use the concept of the function of belief in order to describe non-additive measure. We apply this concept to object-oriented measures.

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Erratum (February 12,  2012)

In the 755-pages book in  Attachment II (from page 673) is a mistake in a proof (page 675 on the top):

Here the PDF with the correction.


Contents / Inhalt

  1. Introduction
  2. Aspects of Software Measurement
  3. History of Software Measurement
  4. Foundations of Software Measurement I
  5. Foundations of Software Measurement II
  6. Measurement Theory and Object-Oriented Software Measures
  7. Desirable Properties of Software Measures
  8. Validation of Software Measures and Prediction Models
  9. Applications of Software Measures
 10. Afterword
 11. Solutions of Exercises
 12. Glossary of Terms and Terms used as Synonyms